Core Values

No one behind, no one ahead. The path the ancients cleared has closed. And the other path, everyone's path, easy and wide, goes nowhere. I am alone and find my way. ~ Octavio Paz (adapted from Sanskrit)

Do the Right Thing
I lead with integrity, trust, and humility. When I make a commitment, I always follow through, and when I make mistakes, I own up to them.

The More You Know
As a lifelong learner, I am adventurously curious and persistent, and I take risks knowing that failure is growth.

Cup of Ambition
With a bias toward action, I am bold, confident, and daring when working toward my goals. Also, I really like coffee.

Always Look on the Bright Side of Life
As a generally positive person, I never forget that laughter is the best medicine and that enthusiasm is infectious.

Cultivate Connections
Because building relationships is central to life, I plant and grow my connections, tending to them carefully.

I'm OK, You're OK
In considering the perpsective and experiences of others, I strive to be as real, open-minded, generous, and nonjudgmental with others as I am with myself.

You May Say I'm a Dreamer
My sense of creativity and imagination feeds my dreams and brings me balance in waking life, as I find and build solutions in work and in life.