
Showing posts with the label machine learning

GPT Will Replace Us All

In ninth grade, I took a course in computer science where I learned my first programming language, Pascal. Every class brought a new learning and a new problem to solve. I don't remember the language at all—if you don't use it, you lose it, but I have retained the most valuable lesson: A computer is only as smart as its user. That's how I know ChatGPT won't replace us. It's not because we're smarter; it's because, in a way, we're dumber. What's more, I would argue that replacing us was never the point or even the danger of artificial intelligence. Armed with the power of well-written algorithms and well-chosen learning datasets, machines can do amazing things. They can recommend new products to buy based on your past purchases, they can learn enough to drive cars reasonably well, and apparently, the latest version of GPT, GPT-4, can even pass the Uniform Bar Exam. Can GPT-4 argue and win a case in court? Maybe, but I am willing to bet its win rate